Animated sequence showing the three text case permutations that Shift+F3 cycles through
Animated sequence showing the three text case permutations that Shift+F3 cycles through

Quickly change case with Shift+F3

This is a really simple tip. But it’s one I use on an almost daily basis. When writing and editing text, I frequently find words that were at the start of the sentence get moved to halfway through – or vice versa. Which leaves the capital letters in the wrong place. 

To quickly fix the capitalization:

Put the cursor somewhere in the word (you don’t have to select the whole word)
Press Shift + F3 until you get the case that you want.

This simply cycles from lower case to Sentence case to ALL CAPS and back to lower case. It’s much easier than having to: position the cursor, delete the first letter, and retype it correctly.

This also works in Word and Outlook. 

Mac users: it doesn’t work out-of-the-box, but you can quickly configure it as a custom shortcut: follow the instructions here. Note: the menu title you need to use is Change Case.

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February 24, 2021


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